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Using the Durable CRM

Import customer contacts via CSV file

To import contacts into Durable, simply click "Import" on the Contacts tab of your CRM and then select a .CSV file of the contact list you'd like to import.  Once you've selected your file, you will have the option to match the fields in your file wi

Create and manage custom fields

Sync your email address to your Durable CRM

With our email sync feature, you can keep your Durable CRM and your email inbox in sync at all times. By connecting your email, you will:See all email communication with contacts in your Durable CRMBe able to email directly from Durable and have that

Receive messages from your customers

All ‘contact us’ form submissions are stored in Durable’s CRM section under ‘Contacts’. You will also receive an email notification whenever a new contact is added. Durable Domain - Create Google Workspace & can create email address & receive CRM's t

Create automated CRM Response

New Automated Response. We’re super pleased to announce the latest feature that Durable offers our customers: the ability to have an AI generated response to any customer inquiry to your contact form. Before you’re able to use this feature, please en