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Create a multi-user loginUpdated 7 months ago

We're happy to announce that we now offer the ability to have a Multi-User Login! 

To enable this feature, you first need to select which business you'd like the user to have access. From here, you'll click on the 3 little dots:

You will then see the following pop-up and you'll click on "Manage Users"

This will take you to the following page in your Business > Users tab

To add a user, simply click on the button and you'll be prompted to fill in their name and email. 


The user you invited will receive the following email where they'll be prompted to create a Durable account. 

 If an invitation has been sent but hasn't been accepted yet, it will display as "Invitation Sent"

If it's been accepted, it will show as "Active"

You'll be able to edit all users that have login access to this specific Durable account, and if needed, also delete them by clicking on the 3 little dots. 

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