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Cancel your subscriptionUpdated 8 months ago

We're sorry to see you go! You can cancel your subscription from your Durable account:

1. After logging in to your Durable account, click the business you want to cancel your subscription.

2. Click "Business" on the bottom left.

3. Click the "Manage" tab on the top.

4. Click "Cancel plan" and answer a few questions.

Alternatively, we can cancel your account on your behalf. Please email our support team: [email protected]. We can take a look at your account.

Friendly reminder: Once the subscription is cancelled, your website will be unpublished, and you will not be able to access the website's backend. You will be able to access it when you re-subscribed to our plan again.

If you cancel immediately after subscribing, you will automatically be refunded.

We would love to hear your feedback. If there's anything we can do, please email [email protected]

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